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Trump is so tied to the Kremlin I think he will flee to Russia in order to avoid U.S. prosecution after he leaves office.
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Illegitimate president leading a criminal enterprise administration is what we get for electing a lying cheating crooked seemingly traitorous corrupt racist criminal Trump vs the law.
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Trump said the elections rigged.  He said Obama is not a citizen.  Proof he’s a Russian agent.      Can’t you people see how crazy you sound?   911 truthers,   Obama birthers,   and now you, the Trump KGB’ers.
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Who would Russia want as POTUS; a woman who was part of selling Russia weapons grade uranium whose husband was lavishly paid for a Moscow audience speech, or a guy that ran on an America First platform and promised a military build up? Why were these predicates overlooked here.

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Had to laugh here. 10:20. one goal was to make us look other was to discredit our democracy. Why did Putin need to do that? Those boxes have already been ticked, long before Putin came on the scene! Ever since the US populace elected Reagan they’ve looked foolish, and as far as democracy goes. has the USA ever had a true democracy? I doubt it. You cannot have a true democracy when (a) you have political parties pushing agendas which compromise the conscience of individuals, and (b) the advertising and marketing industry is basically running election campaigning and distorting facts and using big money interests to push particular candidates. It is a sham democracy. If you want true democracy then (1) get rid of the party system, 2) make anyone with proper citizenship and credentials eligible for election, and (3) let voters decide using a plurality or transferable vote system. anyone eligible should be able to put up a website with a certification as a registered candidate, 4) allow elected representatives to legislate free of pork barrel spending amendments. (Even more radical, I would recommend the USA abolish Presidential powers, and use the Presidency as a purely diplomatic position. Calls to war and things like nuclear buttons and the like should be a collective decision, not invested in one person. With modern technology and rapid communication systems there is no longer any 4 minute imminent threat need to have a single person responsible for nuclear code triggering. All Americans should take a listen to this Radiolab episode (in fact, I beg you please listen to it, for mercy’s sake.

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And this is how the commies in hollywood rewrite history. nevermind its already been proven trump didnt collude. nevermind it cost taxpayers 52M. nevermind obama was the one caught on a hot mic telling putins #1 “wait till i get re-elected then we can talk”. nevermind fusion gps and hillarys real collusion under sec. of state. lets run with the narrative anyway. besides, the majority of the morons who watch this trash seldom read a book. theyll rely on whatever we sell em to get their history facts.

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Please put out a copy of the documentary that we can watch at a slower pace! I have to pause it every time you highlight a clip or give valuable information ! Why is this a rapid-fire style doc? This is important information. I’ve had to watch it multiple times just to get all of the names and details. Release a slower version.
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The democratic republic once known as America was a great idea while it lasted. With Trump the swamp has finally choked the life out of it with its own fear,hate,ignorance and greed. Better learn to love that ol’ Deep State,and get used to the truth from now, the new de facto Leader of the Free World, has more planned for our midterms and Trump still has the ‘War’ card in his hand. We may already be thoroughly screwed,but the American electorate hasn’t been too swift on the uotake lately – half of them are still celebrating the new Russian-Republican alliance. Which will be the next to go – General Mattis or the Constitution? Time will tell. The Deep State is dead – long live the Deep State. H. said,Unless a man has got education,a vote is a useless and dangerous thing to possess – soon it will only be useless.

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Sadly, the so-called American/European (alt- right-wing is being brainwashed as well, but in a different way. Russia uses the distrust of conservatives towards the American/European mass media and lures them into gathering information from Russian sources. That’s how Russia starts feeding the (alt- right-wing Americans/Europeans with pro-Russian propaganda, aka the enemy ideology. As a result, every second, a conservative becomes a cuckservative. They start worshipping a horrific post-soviet hellhole, which they wrongly consider a white, traditional country and its leader, Putin, who’s nothing more but a liar, thief and murderer. Try debating those Americans/Europeans and prove them wrong – they do react the same way the SJW´s do, because they have been brainwashed aswell. The problem is their inability to speak Russian and gather inside information, without any filters.

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Aren’t all governments run by criminals? USA has been run by crime families for a long, long, long time.
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Called this scenario from the beginning. Can’t wait to see this documentary. 👍👍💯.
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Putin is the only man Russians trust to protect them from Putin. Lolol.
Tom Clancy couldn’t have come up with a better plot line. And the scary part? This is real.
Oh please help, I must’ve wandered into shill city! The comments gave it away. FAKE NEWS.
Lol are they still spreading this anti Russian propaganda to explain Hillarys loss.
I’m certainly not a Russian troll, but a Venezuelan citizen suffering from repression and hunger and oppression here Down Under at the hands of regimes Obama clearly supported. President Donald J. Trump is the only one to ever care for us, Obama couldn’t give two shits, and crooked Hillary even less. So yeah, emails were uncovered by Russian intel officials that gave away CRIMINAL Clinton for acts she committed and omitted. Pres. Trump won fair and square; emails were stolen? Well, you better take better care of those, Hilarious, especially if they FRAME YOUR PATHETIC COMMUNIST ARSE.

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Why hillary lost in 2016. pity.
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Tunnel vision & narrow minded people is how I would describe this panel. Thanks but no thanks – I will do my own research (both sides.
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Just watched it on Utube free, it is amazing.

60min of zero talking! , 60 ! – , 1 ! – – ! , , , – ! : , , . : , . – ? . . , . –

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Good attempt at deflection for those who have not been paying attention to realize that the marxist leader were the ones b4 45. The new world order UN sellout presidents. Go listen to the UN speeches of both Obama and Trump and see which one indeed sounds Hitleresque. Going through the holocaust museum years ago while BO was in office and reading Hitler’s speeches there. They were almost identical. Another funny thing: the Young TUrx are the ones who show up as reporting all that is true about aoc. If that doesn’t cause warning bells for you you need to dig deeper and find out what is the real truth, not what youtube feeds you. Scroll down. Dig deeper. Open your mind. Do not allow this propaganda to be what you believe because soon you will be so confused as you find out what is really true. Trump is the first non NWO UN Agenda 21/2020 Illuminati President since Bush senior came out of the NWO closet years ago. The republicrat jig is up. America is reclaiming liberty.



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The Zoya Factor Author Anuja Chauhan Country India Language English Genre Chick lit Publisher HarperCollins
Westland (2016) Publication date 2008 Media type Paperback ISBN 978-9385724831
The Zoya Factor is a novel written by Anuja Chauhan, published by HarperCollins India in 2008. It is about a Rajput woman named Zoya Singh Solanki who meets the Indian Cricket Team through her job as an executive in an advertising agency and ends up becoming a lucky charm for the team for the 2011 Cricket World Cup. Chauhan started working on her debut novel in 2006, writing during her spare time. Her work on the Pepsi brand for 13 years at JWT Delhi, where she was Vice President and closely associated with cricket advertising, eventually led to cricket becoming the setting of her novel. [1]
Plot summary [ edit]
Zoya Solanki is a client service rep with an advertising agency, who loves everything about her job, especially the brand she has been put in charge of – Zing Cola (Pepsi in a fictional avatar). But when she’s made to leave an ad film shoot, featuring none other than Shah Rukh Khan, and has to go to Dhaka to shoot an ad with the Indian cricket team she begins to experience her first pangs of irritation towards the brand. Making matters somewhat worse, the team captain Nikhil Khoda insists on discipline as a norm and cuts her important shoot short. This causes her to stay back a few more days than anticipated and miss the Shah Rukh Khan film shoot. [2] When the men in blue realise that Zoya was born at the very moment India won the first and the only cricket World Cup in 1983, they are startled. What intrigues them more was when they realised that having breakfast with her is followed by victories on the field, and not eating with her results in defeat. They decide she is a lucky charm.
As luck would have it, the rag tag team has a sudden spurt of victories and soon the cricket-crazy nation declares her a goddess. Soon, Zoya is invited by the eccentric president of IBCC (Indian Board of Cricket Control, a spoof of BCCI Board of Control for Cricket in India), to accompany the team to the ICC World Cup in Australia.
Pursued by international cricket boards on the one hand, and wooed by cola majors on the other, Zoya struggles to stay grounded in the thick of the World Cup action.
And it doesn’t help that she keeps clashing with the erratically brilliant new Indian skipper, who tells her flatly that he doesn’t believe in luck. What follows is a love-hate relationship; attraction and antagonism. Zoya is luck-personified and she never ceases to be the lucky charm for the men-in-blue.
Main characters [ edit]
Zoya Singh Solanki – An advertising agent born on 25 June 1983, at the exact moment that India won the Cricket World Cup who lives in Karol Bagh in Delhi with her father and his three brothers’ family. She hates Nikhil Khoda in the beginning but soon a romance begins to blossom between them. Whenever she eats breakfast with the Indian Cricket Team they win the following match. This prompts the board to send her to Australia with them for the Cricket World Cup.
Nikhil Khoda – The captain of The Indian Cricket Team. Tall, dark, and handsome. He does not believe in luck and in the beginning, thinks that Zoya is a distraction to the team. He believes that hard work and determination are the key to success. He is a man of integrity who tries to protect Zoya even when he doesn’t believe about her powers. He is known to often talk like a Nike ad. [3]
Monita Mukherjee – Zoya’s best friend who accompanies her to Australia for the World Cup. She works at AWB with Zoya, is married to a banker, and has two sons, Armaan and Aman.
Vijayendra Singh Solanki – Zoya’s father who is a widower. He was a lieutenant colonel in army and took premature retirement.
Zorvar Singh Solanki – Zoya’s brother who works in Indian Army
Eppa – Zoya’s housekeeper who is like a mom to her. She looked after Zoya and Zoravar since they were born.
Rinku Chachi and Anita Chachi – Zoya’s two aunts and among them Rinku is her favourite.
The Indian Cricket Team
Reception [ edit]
The book was well received by the media. It constantly features in the Top 5 of many newspapers in India. The Asian Age ranked it No. 1 for 3 weeks when it was released. According to The Times Of India, “it is a fun read which takes the Indian chick-lit way beyond mush and smut, right to freakily naughty. Her writing is very young, very now and very funny. Her themes of cricket, love and politics are smartly topical. ” [4] Apart from the novel’s subject matter, cricket, that India is obsessed with, what makes the book unique in Indian publishing history is the whopping print run of 20, 000 copies at the launch. “It is very unusual for any publisher in India to go in for such a huge print run for a commercial debut novel, but we were confident of The Zoya Factor right at the first time we read hero’s [ sic? ] manuscript, ” said Hero Heeralal [ sic? ], editor and publisher, HarperCollins Publishers India. [5]
Film adaptation [ edit]
The novel was optioned for a film by Shahrukh Khan ‘s Red Chillies Entertainment production company, for a period of three years. [6] As it didn’t take off after three years, the rights were acquired by Pooja Shetty. The film is set to be released on 20 September 2019. [7] It is directed by Abhishek Sharma and starring Dulquer Salmaan and Sonam Kapoor. [8]
References [ edit]
External links [ edit]
Giving cricket hysteria a kick on its backside, Interview, 2008 at Mint (newspaper).

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  1. Duration=2 Hour 1minutes
  2. Matt Cook, Creighton Rothenberger
  3. Ric Roman Waugh
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  5. Movie info=Angel Has Fallen is a movie starring Gerard Butler, Frederick Schmidt, and Danny Huston. Mike Banning is framed for the attempted assassination of the President and must evade his own agency and the FBI as he tries to uncover the

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»DADOS DO FILME« Título Traduzido: Invasão ao Serviço Secreto Torrent e Mega Título Original: Angel Has Fallen Gênero: Ação, Suspense Diretor: Ric Roman Waugh Lançamento: 2020 Qualidade: Bluray 720p, 1080p, 4K Áudio: Português / Inglês Legenda: Inclusa Format o: MP4, MKV Tamanho: 1. 07 GB, 1. 41 GB, 3. 32 GB Duração: 2 h 01 Min Qualidade de Áudio: 10 Qualidade de Vídeo: 10 Classificação: 14 Anos IMDb: 6. 4/10 SINOPSE: O Agente do Serviço Secreto, Mike Banning, é acusado de tentar assassinar o presidente e deve escapar de sua própria agência e do FBI enquanto tenta descobrir a verdadeira ameaça. Estrelando: Gerard Butler, Frederick Schmidt, Danny Huston… Invasão ao Serviço Secreto Torrent (2020) Dual Áudio Bluray 720p e 1080p Dublado Download  Caso haja algum problema de reprodução: K-Lite-Codec-Pack DUBLADO BluRay 720p Dublado (MP4) | 1. 07 GB DUAL ÁUDIO BluRay 720p Dual Áudio (MKV) | 1. 41 GB BluRay 1080p Dual Áudio (MKV) | 3. 32 GB BluRay 4K Dual Áudio (MKV) | 10 GB MP4 BLURAY 720P DUBLADO MEGA | GDRIVE | PandaFiles | LetsUpload | DLFree | Uptobox | 1Fichier Baixar Filme Invasão ao Serviço Secreto Dublado Torrent e Mega.

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Título Traduzido: Invasão ao Serviço Secreto Torrent
Título Original: Angel Has Fallen
IMDb: 6, 7/10
Gênero: Ação, Suspense
Lançamento: 2019
Qualidade: BluRay 720p | 1080p
Áudio: Português, Inglês
Legenda: Português (No Torrent)
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Duração: 1h 39 Min.
Qualidade de Áudio: 10
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President Obama still accomplished a lot while Democrats/Progressives proposed no legislation nor voted in the 2010 midterms. TYT belittle Obama’s Dodd Frank Bill that he passed and ignored him him passing Elizabeth Warren’s consumer protection policies. Obama’s Stimulus stopped the 800,000 job lost a month free fall. Obama got healthcare reform passed something that 5 presidents before him couldn’t the deficit from 1.4 trillion to 400 billion. he did all this despite never having a REAL super majority. he fluctuated from 57 to 60 seats in Senate thanks to old democrat who kept getting sick and or dying. He only had 4 months control and even then it was still shaky. He accomplished a lot while you and TYT did nothing to help. Arab Muslims are enslaving millions of Africans but you won’t say anything about that.

Tunnel vision & narrow minded people is how I would describe this panel. Thanks but no thanks – I will do my own research (both sides.

With so many facts were still having this clown in the WH! Whos protecting Trump

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I watched it and its not even factual. Its horrible. Its made for the gullible. Is this admitting that Russia is a super power and the USA is a sitting duck.
So, what Mr. Watts is implying is that there is ZERO direct contact between Trump-Russia, but, Trump’s own words may have encouraged Russia to be more aggressive in their pursuit to interfere with our election, which has been going on for decades. Conclusion: Assumptions are not grounds for conviction. His testimony is no different than how we communicate on Facebook, Twitter, or any other social platform. Still waiting for evidence Mic drop.

Lots of DNC-Bots in here. Poor little guys, they never had a chance at autonomy.
Aspen might be talking in a bubble. Living in the bubble must not have black people there. All white liberal panel. That’s all they hear and see. Nothing new to say about any topic that comes up. This is some of why we have Trump.
Russia, Russia, Russia, democratic party is digging their own graves.
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So the Russians already have a thing for orange apparently VOTE AND VOTE DEMACRAT VOTE DEMACRAT.
US bombing list. Korea and China 1950-53 (Korean War) Guatemala 1954, Indonesia 1958, Cuba 1959-1961, Guatemala 1960, Congo 1964, Laos 1964-73, Vietnam 1961-73, Cambodia 1969-70, Guatemala 1967-69, Grenada 1983, Lebanon 1983, 1984 (both Lebanese and Syrian targets) Libya 1986, El Salvador 1980s, Nicaragua 1980s, Iran 1987, Panama 1989, Iraq 1991 (Persian Gulf, War) Kuwait 1991, Somalia 1993, Bosnia 1994, 1995, Sudan 1998, Afghanistan 1998, Yugoslavia 1999, Yemen 2002, Iraq 1991-2003 (US/UK on regular basis) Iraq 2003-2015, Afghanistan 2001-2015, Pakistan 2007-2015, Somalia 2007-8, 2011, Yemen 2009, 2011, Libya 2011, 2015, Syria 2014-2016. ONLY RUSSIA IS THE PROBLEM.

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It’s sad af this vital into Is relegated to the corners of liberal talk. Too complex for most idiots aka Americans to comprehend…
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Had to laugh here. 10:20. one goal was to make us look other was to discredit our democracy. Why did Putin need to do that? Those boxes have already been ticked, long before Putin came on the scene! Ever since the US populace elected Reagan they’ve looked foolish, and as far as democracy goes. has the USA ever had a true democracy? I doubt it. You cannot have a true democracy when (a) you have political parties pushing agendas which compromise the conscience of individuals, and (b) the advertising and marketing industry is basically running election campaigning and distorting facts and using big money interests to push particular candidates. It is a sham democracy. If you want true democracy then (1) get rid of the party system, 2) make anyone with proper citizenship and credentials eligible for election, and (3) let voters decide using a plurality or transferable vote system. anyone eligible should be able to put up a website with a certification as a registered candidate, 4) allow elected representatives to legislate free of pork barrel spending amendments. (Even more radical, I would recommend the USA abolish Presidential powers, and use the Presidency as a purely diplomatic position. Calls to war and things like nuclear buttons and the like should be a collective decision, not invested in one person. With modern technology and rapid communication systems there is no longer any 4 minute imminent threat need to have a single person responsible for nuclear code triggering. All Americans should take a listen to this Radiolab episode (in fact, I beg you please listen to it, for mercy’s sake.

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Ioffe is Jewish refugee from Russia. She represents interests of Russian Jews and not American public. Putin represents interests of Russian Orthodox Christians.

Collusion with Russia ties to Trump is a bunch of BS. It is just a scheme to clear Hillary Clinton and frame Donald Trump. Hillary Clinton has ties with Russia. I don’t believe any information that the media puts out. I just bought 3 books to read from Barnes and Noble today. One of them is called, Death of a Nation, which the movie was baste off of. I bought a book called, The Russian Hoax, The illicit Scheme to clear Hillary Clinton and Frame Donald Trump. I am reading that book as we speak. And I bought a book called Messing with the Enemy surviving in a social media world of hacker, terrorists, Russians, and fake news, I hope to be reading that one soon. Take my word, don’t listen to the media, and do your own research, go to the library or book store, if your looking for truth.

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Let’s investigate the media for trying to influence the election and trying to steal are democracy. Bunch of babies.
The democratic republic once known as America was a great idea while it lasted. With Trump the swamp has finally choked the life out of it with its own fear,hate,ignorance and greed. Better learn to love that ol’ Deep State,and get used to the truth from now, the new de facto Leader of the Free World, has more planned for our midterms and Trump still has the ‘War’ card in his hand. We may already be thoroughly screwed,but the American electorate hasn’t been too swift on the uotake lately – half of them are still celebrating the new Russian-Republican alliance. Which will be the next to go – General Mattis or the Constitution? Time will tell. The Deep State is dead – long live the Deep State. H. said,Unless a man has got education,a vote is a useless and dangerous thing to possess – soon it will only be useless.

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The issue of our time is another not-very-convincing act of faith. If these are America’s best and brightest, how does being out of touch with reality assist them in their work? They would be more sensible to work from a ‘Call of Duty Modern Warfare’ scenario than to approach Russia from the perspective of ‘true believers. America has a choice when it comes to Russia: find a middle ground and manage to co-exist, or let the stupidity continue to its natural conclusion. The status quo isn’t set yet, the natural conclusion certainly seems to be. What ts it they think Russia ‘wants’ from the USA – aside from not being in the gun sights? What is it that indicates Putin is failing? He can’t supply borscht? The Russians are far from starving, or, even, the situation they were in when the USSR fell. The Russians have been acting, apparently, freely in Ukraine, Syria, the UN and other places. It is the USA that has its freedom of action clipped – by Russian ‘interference. or non-cooperation. Putin frustrated Obama and he can frustrate Trump.



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Seen this today & have to say I wasn’t all that impressed.
I mean sure, the film is a slow burner, but this is just too bland & dull for its own good. Despite the visuals & some action, the film felt lifeless. The said action & visuals felt weighed down by the dull & bland story telling & pacing.
The film is about a doctor whose John Doe patient comes back from the dead. But this John Doe has not just come back from the dead, but has brought something sinister & dark with him. br>
The visuals were alright for what they were. The action/juicy bits didn’t kick in until 1/4 of the film which was disappointing. The gore wasn’t bad, but like the action itself, could’ve benefited with kicking in sooner than later.
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Shocker Alert! It was this movie. If you have absolutely nothing to do, and you are thinking of a nifty way to while away a couple of hours, well, I’m so sorry to say that this movie is not the answer.
Full disclosure, no spoilers in this review. This movie arrived already spoiled, you see.
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